Thursday, September 17, 2009

The end of Budapest: vol. 3

The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home.
Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti.
Vol. 2: Graffiti all over Varosliget Park.

The end of Budapest: vol. 2

The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home.
Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti.
Vol. 2: Graffiti in a subway under Lagymanos hid near Ludwig Museum and in Obuda near the Obudai sziget.

The end of Budapest: vol. 1

The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home.
Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti.
Vol. 1: Graffiti near Varosliget Park at Hungaria korüt and near Moszkva ter.

Of course we do.

"We love cops" graffiti in Schwabing, Munich, Germany.

Creepy subway.

Graffiti in a subway in downtown Munich, Germany.

Hey, puppy.

A weird choice of dog breed for the wall painting in the courtyard of the Alps Museum in Munich, Germany.
I would certainly prefer a St. Bernard to a puddle.

Munich unpolished. And the posh digger.

A construction site in downtown Munich, Germany. In the luxurious and expensive Bavarian city even the diggers look posh in trendy pink.

Munich rooftops.

Peaky rooftops in downtown Munich, Germany.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fly away from the rain.

Ducks flying low feeling the coming rain. In Nymphenburg park, Munich, Germany.

Love the river.

Munich, Germany.

Munich underground.

Munich, Germany.

Anti postcards.

The Kaiser holds on to the monumental beer.

Football flags and the New Town Hall.

Small Bavaria flags in sky blue colour.

We're going nowhere.

Anti postcards from Munich, Germany.

Crossing Munich.

Crossing Munich: Places, Pictures and Debates on Migration in Rathausgalerie München
Munich, Germany.

Fly in.

Cafe Munich on Leopoldstrasse, Munich, Germany.

Spraypaint in the park.

Walls in Olympiapark, Munich, Germany.
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