The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home. Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti. Vol. 2: Graffiti all over Varosliget Park.
The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home. Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti. Vol. 2: Graffiti in a subway under Lagymanos hid near Ludwig Museum and in Obuda near the Obudai sziget.
The end of Budapest. After one year in this city I am already back home. Now - my small but dear collection of Budapest graffiti. Vol. 1: Graffiti near Varosliget Park at Hungaria korüt and near Moszkva ter.
A weird choice of dog breed for the wall painting in the courtyard of the Alps Museum in Munich, Germany. I would certainly prefer a St. Bernard to a puddle.